Born from flames

The situation was beyond comical; I couldn’t even laugh at the overwhelming nature of it.

For me not being able to laugh it off put me of balance, I had always been able to find the joke in it all. As if I could understand the playful nature of god, and see that we are nothing but mere entertainment for him. I could always see the absurd reality that was and face the truth with a smile, that we are nothing more than a child’s play thing. But upon seeing this scenery I could no longer find the punch line in its actions, because this wasn’t as much as child’s play as it was a madman’s rampage, trying to find beauty in destruction.

Perhaps it was the effect of my new hangover, but I could not do anything but stare, as the city was engulfed by the flames. It was an indescribable sensation, as the flames illuminated the night sky. I could not help but be fascinated by this spectacle, as the hopelessness of the situation left me in awe.

And that’s when I saw her, just on the other side of the riverbed.

A girl around my age, dressed in a black Sunday dress, staring at me from the shadows of the flames.

Her eyes penetrated my whole being, like a blue flame, burning through my very soul. Laying waste to everything in its path, leaving a trail of blazing hellfire we’re it once was.

And like that, she had burned an imprint of her in my mind, an imprint that would last until the day of my dying breath.

That was the first time I ever saw Cinaed