
Thunder is striking, wind’s blowing strong, a maniac’s laugh surrounds the sea.

He is standing in front of the steering wheel, with soulless eyes he gazes upon the coming storm.

His laughter grew by the second, almost as he could overpower the sound of the ocean.

But this was no laughter of a man in fear, for the captain knew, that he could never return from once he came. This was the laughter of a man without fear, without restrains, the only thing calling for him was but the voice of adventure.

The crew, a bunch of useless land crabs, was trying to keep the ship steady, but did so with great difficulty.

The captain laugh had been silenced by the screams of his crew, which begged their captain to turn back and wait out the storm.

He had grown furious with them, as his expectations still were with his last crew, whom he had lost, not a forth night ago, to a monstrous beast with more limbs then can be counted.

The captain had not been able to save anyone, but his flag and ship.

All else had been condemned to a cold death in Davy Jones locker.

The captain, as he was getting furious to the helpless cry of his pathetic crew screamed “I’ll cut ye, ye yellow-bellied bilge-rats! Quit ye jabbering and hoist the mast! For tonight we not even death would follows us into this hell!”

The storm raged on and the captain regained his lust for adventure, his crewmates chose to try their luck with the storm rather than facing death by the captain’s hand.

The waves crashed into the ship, people fell overboard and drowned. All this while their captain mind drifted further from the boat as his insanity grew due to his great loss.

When suddenly, silence.

The Queen Ann’s revenge stopped for a second, as it would appear that they have landed in the eye of the storm. The captain grabbed his bottle from his belt, and drank his rum like it was the last thing he would ever drink.

After drinking his whole bottle, he turned to his first mate and said while chuckling “Brace yourself, ye parrot-loving landlubber! The Fun has just started”

As the boat once again returned to the storm, the captain grew anxious.

Something wasn’t right; the waves should be coming at us harder.

That’s when the mighty beast showed his limbs at the starboard side.

The captain screamed to his crew “Load the cannons, the devil is upon us!” as he drew his sword.

The monster grasped the ship and started to slowly pulling it down under, but to no avail as the cannons were blazing while the madman of a captain laughed maniacally.

As the beast grew closer the captain rushed to confront it, with sword in one hand and a new bottle of rum in the other.

Then, as soon as the creature was within reach, the captain leaped while screaming “Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you.”

And that was the last time anyone saw the Queen Ann’s revenge or its captain Edward Teach, who was also known as Black Beard.

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