
Silence, I have grown to despise it.

Feels like the world is mocking me, silently judging me.

It’s ironic when i think about it, not too long ago i craved the monotonic bliss that was silence.

As i recall, everything started with just that.

The day started not too different as to any other day.

I woke up in haze of cigarette smoke and a foul stench from what i imagine was a soup of various bodily fluids mixed in an unflushed toilet. Not to mention a hammering headache accompanied with an unholy sensation in my gut, which could only be described with words like “tenderized” and “erratic”. While laying there in bed I closed my eyes (fully aware than any attempt to go back to sleep would be in vain) and searched for the usual sounds in the morning commotion. To my surprise and delight, i heard nothing. It would seem the gods have decided in my favor to let me suffer through this hangover in peace.

After laying there contemplating suicide to get rid of this self-inflicted torture, I finally stumbled out of bed. After putting on a cup of coffee I wobbled to the window to take a smoke, just enjoying the silence while sipping on my coffee. The coffee was stale and tasteless, but I guess I should be happy, thinking about my salary that I even have coffee.

After the morning pleasantries I got dressed and walked out of the apartment.

First on the agenda is going to the pizzeria next to my house, pay off my debt to that greedy Greek. But to my surprise, the pizzeria was close, which was weird since it has never happened before; I guessed he must be sick or something along those lines. But I gave it no second thought. During my venture through town I was bothered by the lack of people, granted it was a small town in the outskirts of the city, but still someone should be seen.

The more I walked the more my anxiety grew, where was everybody? Did something happen?

What was going on?!

I went from walking to running through the streets, looking for anyone, I went in to stores, police stations and schools without finding a trace of anybody. Finally I ended up at the town square, feeling a panic attack coming. I screamed at the top of my lungs “IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?!ANYONE?! “



I’m sorry but due to unforseen events i have to push up the deadline to this Wednesday 19/9 – 2012.


Complaints can be placed in my care box, which is located in the nearest trash can.

The start of something great.


I’m going to keep this short.

This blog will be about a  story, that i will update every 2 weeks if possible.

The whole reason is because i always wanted to do a bigger project, and if people would find their way here and start reading, that’s just a bonus.
The first update will happen this week. With a deadline at Sunday 16/9 – 2012.

So if anyone by any chance is reading this before any other post, I salute you. and if you stay, you may be a part of something great.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed

That’s all for now.